How to Prioritize Self Care: A Wake Up Call for Busy Business Professionals

I’m right in the thick of getting through what is the perfect recertification storm for me this year so I have to work a bit harder to prioritize my self care… 

This is Your Prioritize Self Care Wake Up Call!

five of my professional coaching, wellness and fitness certifications–my NBC-HWC, Wellcoaches®, WELCOA Faculty Status and ACE® Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor certifications all somehow aligned on their staggered schedules to need renewal.  Who’s the genius that allowed that to happen?  

My husband jokingly warned me, as I went around collecting certifications like the large variety of sneakers in my closet, that this could come up at some point.  Suffice it to say 2023 is the year of continuing education for me, so I’m even busier than usual which is okay with me as someone who loves to learn and grow.

I was in the process of taking a continuing education course from Wellcoaches called “Habits” which is now part of their excellent coaching curriculum (yes I procrastinated a bit), and this question posed in the module hit me like a ton of bricks as the saying goes:

If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live?

That’s now earned a neon green Post-it on my prized multicolored bulletin board in my home office as shown in this blog post.

Fundamentally we all know this, but it’s a great reminder for anyone, myself included, to prioritize yourself when you at times forget what’s important for your best health. Prioritizing your self care impacts your mental and physical health, ability to manage stress and yes, also weight loss. Plus, countless studies have shown taking time for you makes you more, not less productive!

If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me “I don’t have time for lunch” or “I don’t have time to step out to take a break” I’d be quite well off financially.  It’s becoming even more the case now that every day it seems we’re hearing about companies making layoff announcements, people you know are getting downsized, you’re concerned you might get “involuntarily exited” or you’re already there and feeling the pressure to find your next work home.

If you own your business or have a side hustle, you’re also feeling that pressure to stay on task in this challenging economy and not miss a minute of working to make your enterprise a big success.

Guess what?

Whatever is going to happen next in your career or in running your business is still going to happen even if you forgo every possible lunch or other break.  It’s still going to happen even if you start early or stay late to work and skip your workout.  It’s still going to happen whether you stop and eat real food for breakfast, lunch or dinner vs. a handful of whatever you can grab out of the cabinet.

Basically, as Janet McTeer said in her terrific role as cartel lawyer Helen Pierce in a classic Ozark line “the cartel is going to do, what the cartel is going to do.”

If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live?

Consider making your own Post-It (electronic or old school like me), and put it in a prominent place as a prompt to:

  • Snooze your Slack or Teams notifications for that much needed lunch or short break.

  • Give yourself permission to “power down” that laptop at a reasonable time tonight and maybe even leave it closed this weekend.

  • Give your body some proper fuel and movement. 

  • Give yourself permission to do whatever gives you a supportive mental, physical or nutrition break.

The Self Care Prioritization Takeaway

The above was just one idea. Think about what might work for you as your own cue.  

Whatever you choose, let it support you in taking back just a bit of your life and moving yourself up on your priority list so that you’ll best be able to take on all that life is asking of you.  It’s a key ticket to stress management which affects every aspect of your health. It’ll also ultimately help you be more successful in your career or business because the time you take to invest in you is always time well spent. Plus, this way you won’t be put out of your only “home” anytime soon.

P.S.  If you’d like expert support with moving yourself up on your priority list and being as successful with your weight and overall health as you are in your business or career, please sign up for my free “5 Essential Keys to Healthy Weight Loss E-Course.”

If you’re ready to explore getting my personal support with your weight loss journey on the road to the happiest and healthiest you, I invite you to schedule your free weight loss breakthrough coaching session.

Please speak with your healthcare professional about your specific needs and to determine if Wellness Coaching is appropriate for you and before implementing any suggestions on this Your Healthy Life Made Easy Blog.  Individual results may vary and cannot be guaranteed.  Melanie Jordan is not liable for any loss or injury associated with information published on this blog as it is provided solely for your education and entertainment.

Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved. Always 100% human produced!


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