3 Healthy Habits for the New Year -Resolutions That Are Achievable

If you’re thinking of making a last-minute New Year’s Resolution now that the time is here, don’t worry about it because most of them don’t work. 

New Year’s Resolutions That Are Achievable!

No I’m not trying to demotivate you! I’m inviting you this year to consider instead any or all of these three simple and achievable healthy habits what you resolve to do to support a healthier, happier you.

Give one at a time a try and see how simple it is to make your healthy life easy in the coming year and beyond!

The Healthy Habits

1. Just Move!

Notice I said move, not necessarily do a formal workout. If you do, great, but the biggest problem most people have is that between everyday conveniences and acquiring bad habits like plopping themselves in front of the TV at the end of the day, they just don't move anymore.  And our bodies were meant to move.

The 2019 ACSM recommendations based on the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd Edition is at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a week.  This can be one continuous session and multiple shorter bursts of activity of at least 10 minutes.  Everybody has at least 2 1/2 hours a week that they can devote to moving their bodies!

2.  Make Stress Relief a Priority

When a coaching client says to me that they feel stressed all the time, I acknowledge their feelings and the first thing I ask them is "so what do you do to de-stress?"  And the typical response is "nothing in particular."  Uh-huh.  No matter how busy you are each day, there's got to be at least a few minutes that are devoted to "me time" where you take a time out to focus on something that gives you peace of mind.

That "one thing" (like Jack Palance's character Curly said in one of my favorite older movies City Slickers) is different for everyone.  It can be a workout, a bubble bath, dancing around for 10 minutes to your favorite songs, reading a couple of chapters of your favorite book, blasting favorite tunes on your car radio, watching the sunset or sunrise, getting some fresh air with a walk during a work break, etc.  Notice how item #1 "Just Move" and #2 "Make Stress Relief a Priority" can also go hand-in-hand?

Whatever that one thing (or it can be several things) is for you, you need to make sure you give yourself a chance at stress reduction daily.

3.  Strive for Consistency in Eating Patterns

It's always interesting when I have a coaching client track their food and drink consumption, along with their emotions and mood for a week when we first start to work together.  I have them do it not to be a pain, but because it never fails to provide some eye-opening patterns and easy changes to make.

The biggest issue is that most of us tend to be inconsistent in our eating patterns.  We skip meals, eat too many of our daily calories in one meal, don't eat the same amount of food from day-to-day, or eat out of feelings of boredom, frustration and feeling blue. Our nutrition is all over the place--sometimes spot on, but often less than desirable. It can happen to anyone, myself included, from time to time.

It's this lack of consistency that often leads to being overweight, regaining the weight we lose, or even if your weight is okay, your energy isn't what it should be.  If you want your body to perform well and get you through your day full of energy, you've got to not only pay attention to what you put in it, you have to be consistent in your eating patterns.  Sure there will be treat times and special occasions, but on average, you should be pretty consistent in what you consume, how much you consume, when you consume it and why you're consuming a particular food.

So How Do These Things Become Habits?

Pick the healthy habit that stands out as most appealing and doable for you. Next, make a very specific goal around it and try it for a week.  If you succeed, great, do it again the next week, and the week after that and after a few weeks of consciously thinking about the new habit, guess what? Congratulations are in order as it IS now just that, a habit!

If you didn't succeed completely with your goal, don't beat yourself up about it.  Focus on any part of that goal that you did achieve. The chances are high that you did at least something right to try and make this goal become a habit.  Now try the goal again, and perhaps make it just a little easier, so you give yourself, in essence a layup, and then you can focus on your complete success this time and up the ante the next week until you're achieving this goal week after week and you too now have made this a habit.

Wishing you maximum success and a healthy and happy year ahead!

P.S.  If you’d like additional tips on being as successful with your weight and overall health as you are in your business or career, please sign up for my free “5 Essential Keys to Healthy Weight Loss E-Course.”

If you’re ready to explore getting my personal support with your weight loss journey on the road to the happiest and healthiest you, I invite you to schedule your free weight loss breakthrough coaching session.

Please speak with your healthcare professional about your specific needs and to determine if Wellness Coaching is appropriate for you and before implementing any suggestions on this Your Healthy Life Made Easy Blog.  Individual results may vary and cannot be guaranteed.  Melanie Jordan is not liable for any loss or injury associated with information published on this blog as it is provided solely for your education and entertainment.

Copyright 2022, All Rights Reserved. Always 100% human produced!


Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work Very Often


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